Ladder logic was originally a written method to document the design and construction of relay racks as used in manufacturing and process control.[1] Each device in the relay rack would be represented by a symbol on the ladder diagram with connections between those devices shown. In addition, other items external to the relay rack such as pumps, heaters, and so forth would also be shown on the ladder diagram.
Ladder logic has evolved into a programming language that represents a program by a graphical diagram based on the circuit diagrams of relay logic hardware. Ladder logic is used to develop software for programmable logic controllers (PLCs) used in industrial control applications. The name is based on the observation that programs in this language resemble ladders, with two vertical rails and a series of horizontal rungs between them. While ladder diagrams were once the only available notation for recording programmable controller programs, today other forms are standardized in IEC 61131-3 (For example, as an alternative to the graphical ladder logic form, there is also a language more like C called Structured text within the IEC 61131-3 standard).
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Ladder logic is widely used to program PLCs, where sequential control of a process or manufacturing operation is required. Ladder logic is useful for simple but critical control systems or for reworking old hardwired relay circuits. As programmable logic controllers became more sophisticated it has also been used in very complex automation systems. Often the ladder logic program is used in conjunction with an HMI program operating on a computer workstation.
The motivation for representing sequential control logic in a ladder diagram was to allow factory engineers and technicians to develop software without additional training to learn a language such as FORTRAN or other general-purpose computer language. Development and maintenance were simplified because of the resemblance to familiar relay hardware systems.[2] Implementations of ladder logic may have characteristics, such as sequential execution and support for control flow features, that make the analogy to hardware somewhat inaccurate.
Ladder logic can be thought of as a rule-based language rather than a procedural language. A "rung" in the ladder represents a rule. When implemented with relays and other electromechanical devices, the various rules execute simultaneously and immediately. When implemented in a programmable logic controller, the rules are typically executed sequentially by software in a continuous loop, or "scan". By executing the loop fast enough, typically many times per second, the effect of simultaneous and immediate execution is achieved. Proper use of programmable controllers requires an understanding of the limitations of the execution order of rungs.
Ladder logic has contacts that make or break circuits to control coils. Each coil or contact corresponds to the status of a single bit in the programmable controller's memory. Unlike electromechanical relays, a ladder program can refer any number of times to the status of a single bit, equivalent to a relay with an indefinitely large number of contacts.
This latch configuration is a common idiom in ladder logic. It may also be referred to as seal-in logic. The key to understanding the latch is in recognizing that the "Start" switch is a momentary switch (once the user releases the button, the switch is open again). As soon as the "Run" solenoid engages, it closes the "Run" NO contact, which latches the solenoid on. The "Start" switch opening up then has no effect.
Typically, complex ladder logic is "read" left to right and top to bottom. As each of the lines (or rungs) are evaluated the output coil of a rung may feed into the next stage of the ladder as an input. In a complex system there will be many "rungs" on a ladder, which are numbered in order of evaluation:
This represents a slightly more complex system for rung 2. After the first line has been evaluated, the output coil "A/C" is fed into rung 2, which is then evaluated and the output coil "Cooling" could be fed into an output device "Compressor" or into rung 3 on the ladder. This system allows very complex logic designs to be broken down and evaluated.
Additional functionality can be added to a ladder logic implementation by the PLC manufacturer as a special block. When the special block is powered, it executes code on predetermined arguments. These arguments may be displayed within the special block.
Analog quantities and arithmetical operations are clumsy to express in ladder logic and each manufacturer has different ways of extending the notation for these problems. There is usually limited support for arrays and loops, often resulting in duplication of code to express cases that in other languages would call for use of indexed variables.
As microprocessors have become more powerful, notations such as sequential function charts and function block diagrams can replace ladder logic for some limited applications. Some newer PLCs may have all or part of the programming carried out in a dialect that resembles BASIC, C, or other programming language with bindings appropriate for a real-time application environment.
This question is debated among PLC programmers across the world. The consensus is that the most utilized language for PLC programming is ladder logic. This is due to the fact that it's highly flexible, easy to learn and very well understood by electricians who have worked with schematics that model the same architecture.
Function Block Diagrams are critical in analog scaling, PID loops, and Motion Control sequences. As you learn about these topics, you should start exposing yourself to this type of PLC programming. Before then, we would recommend mastering ladder logic.
As you can see from the example outline above, the process steps are executed in a sequence, have defined start conditions and flow as the process would run in the production facility. In ladder logic, this process can be implemented through an SQI/SQO Instruction. However, a better approach would be to utilize SFC.
We recommend that every PLC programmer starts with ladder logic as this method is most common in the industry. That being said, as the person is exposed to advanced programming methodologies, it's important to learn the other languages that may provide an easier way to implement specific processes.
SyPTPro gives you the option to protect your knowledge by choosing to download only the compiled binary file, and not the embedded source file to the application module. This binary file is not up-loadable and so ensures that your intellectual property remains yours. User Defined Function Blocks allows you to develop your own function block library and package them into secure binary files. The library may then be distributed and used in other programs. The binary file does not contain the original source code, and so your intellectual property remains protected.
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Con easySoft, la programación de los dispositivos easyE4 es rápida y sencilla. Las funciones disponibles pueden integrarse fácilmente en los diagramas de circuitos, de modo que pueden utilizarse como programas de control. easySoft ofrece a los usuarios la posibilidad de elegir entre cuatro lenguajes de programación (EDP, LD, FBD, ST), lo que reduce significativamente la necesidad de formación. Los diagramas de circuitos pueden probarse primero en modo simulación y documentarlos más tarde. La opción de elegir entre varios bloques de función, como registro de datos y alarmas, hace que la programación sea aún más eficiente. Los proyectos están protegidos contra el acceso no autorizado mediante contraseñas de varios niveles.
Programs that are written in the Cause and Effect Matrix programming language compile into the same machine code as all other languages. For this reason, programs written with the CEM programming language can be downloaded to CPUs running older firmware. 2ff7e9595c